Cat & Dog Teeth Cleaning
in Keller, TX

Dental Days Deal

$100 off Dental Cleanings

For new and existing clients!

Call (817) 421-5850 to schedule a cleaning today!

Aug 19 – Sept 30, 2024​

*New and existing clients. Canine and feline only. Not valid with other offers. Not redeemable for cash. May use offer on multiple pets within the same household. Not applicable for membership or wellness plans.

Periodontal disease is one of the most common, and surprisingly, most overlooked conditions experienced by dogs and cats ages 3 and up. At Creekside Pet Care Center, our aim is to be as proactive as possible by providing complete pet dental care at our hospital in Keller, TX. We recommend an oral exam and teeth cleaning for your dog or cat roughly once a year. This helps to prevent periodontal disease from taking root and causing harm to your pet’s teeth, gums, and overall health.
Other conditions pets can experience in their mouths include gingivitis, tooth resorption, oral abscesses, and oral tumors.

What Causes Periodontal Disease in Dogs & Cats?

Periodontal disease in pets is similar to periodontal disease in humans. It occurs as a result of tartar and calculus buildup on the teeth and under the gum line, where excreted bacteria eat away at the gum tissue and the roots of the teeth. Advanced infection can even spread to the bloodstream and affect your pet’s heart, liver, and kidneys.

With routine teeth cleanings and supplemental dental care at home, your pet can stay periodontal disease-free and enjoy a healthier, happier life!

Does My Pet Need a Teeth Cleaning?

If your pet has yet to see us for an oral exam and teeth cleaning, you should set up an appointment as soon as possible.

Dogs and cats that go without dental care do not always show signs of oral problems, but the following are usually a strong indication of an oral infection:

Bad breath
Brown/yellow tartar buildup along the gum line
Excessive drooling
Difficulty chewing and eating (dropping food)
Loose or broken teeth
Decreased appetite (some pets will continue eating as normal)
Red, swollen, and/or bleeding gums

What Do Cat & Dog Teeth Cleanings Entail?

Creekside Pet Care Center is extremely thorough in providing pet dental care. We know that unlike humans, our pets can’t take care of their teeth themselves, and therefore they are prone to plaque and tartar buildup that can result in oral infection.

Cat and dog teeth cleaning procedures at our hospital are comprehensive and performed with the utmost care and safety. Below are the steps we generally follow to clean your pet’s teeth and reduce their risk for periodontal disease.

We need to assess your pet’s health before cleaning their teeth, because they will need to be anesthetized for the procedure. Screening your pet’s blood cell count and organ function helps to ensure that your dog or cat can safely metabolize the anesthesia.
An IV catheter is placed so we can deliver the safest forms of anesthesia and any fluids or additional medications as needed. Fluids support healthy blood pressure and help to flush out the anesthesia when your pet’s procedure is concluded. It can also flush toxins out of the body.
Antibiotics are essential to treating an existing oral infections in your pet, and can reduce your pet’s risk for infection while they are healing.
When your pet is fully under anesthesia, our team can thoroughly examine their oral cavity for evidence of infection and other oral issues. We’ll check each tooth, probe for deep pockets around the teeth, and look for signs of decay, tooth fractures, oral masses, and bone loss.
Dental X-rays are a critical part of your pet’s dental procedure. They give more depth to the oral exam by showing us the condition of your pet’s teeth, gums, and jawbone below the gum line. Most dental pathologies actually occur under the gums, so visualizing this area is essential to giving your pet the best care and successfully treating any oral infections. We can use our digital X-ray equipment to check for hidden cysts, bone loss, root abscesses, root fractures, and cystic lesions.

Cleaning your pet’s teeth requires the use of an ultrasonic scaling tool. This tool removes hardened material from the crowns of the teeth, and then we use a root planing tool to remove buildup from under the gum line, around the tooth root. Then, we polish each tooth to a shine so the enamel surfaces are smooth and more resistant to plaque and tartar.

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