At Creekside Pet Care Center, we take a preventative approach to help maintain your pet’s quality of life. We recommend scheduling annual wellness visits for your dog or cat so our team can perform a thorough examination of your pet as well as discuss any concerns you may have about your pet’s health. These exams are essential for pets of all ages because they cover a wide range of treatment and can help prevent disease and promote healthy habits for your companion.
Schedule your pet’s next wellness care appointment at Creekside Pet Care Center today!
What to Expect from a Pet Exam
Cat and dog wellness care is important for pets of all ages, however each exam is tailored to fit your pet’s age and individual needs. A healthy adult pet should have a wellness exam once a year. As your pet ages, these exams should be scheduled more frequently to help our team stay up to date on any changes in their health. When you come in for a pet exam, our team will perform the following:
• A comprehensive physical examination
• Administering any necessary vaccinations
• Parasite testing
• Blood screening
Need Wellness Care for Your Exotic Pet?
Exotic pets like rabbits, hedgehogs, ferrets, snakes, and parrots all need qualified care from a veterinarian who understands their unique needs. VO Vets in Fort Worth, TX is an affiliate hospital of ours that happily welcomes a wide range of exotic pets as patients. From wellness exam visits to spaying and neutering, they’re the team to choose for your companion’s ongoing care.
Age-Related Wellness Care
In addition, we utilize the following services to help your pet maintain their good health and wellness as a patient in our care: